Mohamed Ghodhbane

- CEO & Founder Defensy.
Former Advisor to the minister ofICT in charge of cyber security. - Former Secretary of the National Cyber Security Committee within
the National Security Council. - Graduated from the National Defense Institute 2020
With 18 years of experience in cybersecurity and digital transformation within
various government institutions, including Tunisie Telecom, ISIE and Ministry of
Communications Technologies and the National Defense Institute – IDN, I
founded DEFENSY in December 2020 as a company focused on providing
offensive security, cybersecurity governance, and managed cybersecurity
Our vision is to become a regional leader in cybersecurity, driven by a strategy
that prioritizes human capital and innovation.
As a cybersecurity expert, I have contributed to major national initiatives, such
as the National Cybersecurity Strategy in 2019, a strategic study on digital
sovereignty and its impact on national security in 2020, the security of electoral
systems in 2014, and the strategic plan « Tunisie Digitale 2025. »